Cologne, DE
  • Product

The CHROMA chair created by HI-MACS from Solid Surface material, displays an elegantly curved, homogenous form, which is easy to take in. The excellent value of the chair shows in the formal structure as well as in the materials and in the special workmanship. With the aid of thermoforming, the 2D contour of the chair is milled from sheets and transformed into the desired 3D geometry. The specific properties and treatment possibilities of the material which consists of natural minerals, acrylic components and pigments, are optimally used in the development of the form.

The many different material and color variants for the chair and the seat surface made of felt, offer great scope for individualization; also the option to apply the design and production process for an extended product range (stool, side table, table, bench etc.) all these help to make the Chroma a flexible product for many purposes, to be used both indoors and outdoors. In addition the chair is stackable, it is stable and retains its shape and with a weight of a mere 3 kg it is also easy to handle.

Marco Hemmerling